Australia should have one of the world’s best mental health systems. From
the daily dealings White Wreath has with mental health patients, the truth is
far from that.

This edition of the newsletter, highlights three government programs – $64
million for a NSW Government community support scheme over three years,
and a $1.45 billion

Federal Government over the same three years; and a $2.3 funding from the
Federal Government for suicide prevention programs in four states.

As well meaning as these programs are, and we cannot doubt the sincerity of
the people involved, the lack of coordination between the Federal and
various State Government sets the ground for a major failure.

It is a shocking indictment that people are routinely admitted to mental
health facilities, where they exist, and discharged back on the streets without
receiving any follow-up treatment.

The 2018-19 Federal Budget Government provide $37.6 million over four
years from to improve follow-up care for people discharged from hospital
following a suicide attempt the highest at risk group in Australia.

The Australian people deserve a better mental health system. It will only
come about with proper coordination of the various sectors of the
bureaucracy and mental health professionals. Duplication of services in the
various states has been a disaster.

Fanita Clark